Le Case Parlanti

The app that tells the story of Trento through its buildings
We are excited to introduce a new way to discover the history of the Praetorian Palace in a completely free and autonomous way. This is "Le Case Parlanti" (The Talking Houses"), the app that will guide you on an interactive journey of Palazzo Pretorio and many other buildings of historical importance in the city of Trento through the use of augmented reality.

Thanks to this innovative technology, in fact, the walls of the buildings "come to life" and tell their stories. The app provides access to a wide range of multimedia content regarding the history, art, and architecture of the palace, supplementing the visit with insights, animations, trivia, and historical photographs of interest to all visitors and visitors.

The app is designed with a simple and intuitive interface that allows easy access to and enjoyment of the content and is in Italian, English, and German. It is available for both iOS and Android devices, and is compatible with most mobile devices. To listen to the story of a building, simply frame it with your device's camera following the directions, put on the earphones and start the story by continuing to frame the structure.

The "Talking Houses" project is curated by il Funambolo in collaboration with the Diocesan Museum of Trent and a dozen different organizations and institutions and was funded by calls from the City of Trent and Fondazione Caritro.

The "Talking Houses" app is an innovative and engaging way to discover the history and art of Palazzo Pretorio. We therefore invite you to download it and begin your interactive journey through one of Trento's most important historical treasures.

To learn more, visit the official website https://lecaseparlanti.it/ or the facebook page and instagram profile.